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One of the most significant and commonly perpetrated crimes of Grand Larceny in New York City as well as Westchester and the surrounding counties, Embezzlement carries a term of incarceration of up to twenty five years in state prison. If going to jail after an Embezzlement and Grand Larceny arrest or indictment is not enough, there is an abundance of collateral consequences associated with a conviction that your criminal lawyer can explain. In fact, for some individuals, including those with immigration and professional licensing issues, the collateral consequence of merely the felony theft arrest in New York is devastating.
To better understand Embezzlement crimes in New York it is critical to recognize that there is no actual crime of Embezzlement. In other words, if you opened up the New York Penal Law you would not find a statute designated for this crime. Instead, the technical offense is Grand Larceny. Often time, a Grand Larceny Embezzlement is linked to or a part of other criminal scheme or actions. Before discussing those crimes with your criminal defense attorney, however, make sure to have a firm grasp on what constitutes a Grand Larceny or theft offense in New York.
Under New York criminal law, if you take property belonging to another person, regardless of the type, with the intent to deprive that person of the property. This taking is without permission or authority. There are certain variations of this crime as addressed by legal decisions, but if you steal from someone and the value exceeds $1,000, then a Grand Larceny crime has been committed.
In the context of Embezzlement, the Grand Larceny almost always, if not every time, involves the theft of money. This theft and larceny may involve directly wiring funds from a bank account, the taking of cash from a safe, misuse of a credit card or manipulating business records to pocket transaction fees.
While some criminal lawyers, as well as those who have never stepped foot in a courtroom, often think that Embezzlement crimes involve millions of dollars, much of these Grand Larcenies are quite less. The following is a brief description of the Embezzlement crime and associated monetary amount.
If you embezzle property valued in excess of $1,000, but $3,000 or less, then you are guilty of Grand Larceny in the Fourth Degree pursuant to New York Penal Law 155.30.
If you embezzle property valued in excess of $3,000, but $50,000 or less, then you are guilty of Grand Larceny in the Third Degree pursuant to New York Penal Law 155.35.
If you embezzle property valued in excess of $50,000, but $1,000,000 or less, then you are guilty of Grand Larceny in the Second Degree pursuant to New York Penal Law 155.40. Grand Larceny Embezzlement in the First Degree – NY PL 155.42
If you embezzle property valued in excess of $1,000,000 or more, then you are guilty of Grand Larceny in the First Degree pursuant to New York Penal Law 155.42.
Although any arrest is an intimidating proposition, there are ways to protect oneself when confronted by detectives or prosecutors in New York. While no website can substitute for experienced legal representation, it is important to remember that even apparently harmless conduct can further compromise your legal predicament. Protecting yourself at the onset of any criminal investigation may mean the difference between an arrest, indictment, conviction or even complete exoneration.
The former Manhattan prosecutors at Saland Law encourage you to educate yourself on the law and critically examine the evidence against you. While no attorney can guarantee a particular result in any criminal matter pending before the courts of New York, we have successfully represented clients in Embezzlement and Grand Larceny arrests stemming for a few thousand to well over one million dollars.
In case of emergencies such as a 12:00 am knock on the door, Saland Law is available all hours of the day and night. Either by calling for a consultation, reading about our firm and New York white collar crimes on CrottySaland.Com or reviewing our two criminal law blogs – NewYorkCriminalLawyerBlog.Com and NewYorkTheftandLarcenyLawyersBlog.Com – you will find a wealth of information to set you on your path to protect your career as well as your rights.
Call the New York Grand Larceny & Embezzlement Lawyers at Saland Law at 212.312.7129 or Contact Us Online to Start Your Criminal Defense Now