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Grand Larceny in the Fourth Degree: New York Penal Law 155.30

Likely the most common of all Grand Larceny and felony theft crimes in New York handled by criminal lawyers, Grand Larceny in the Fourth Degree (New York Penal Law 155.30) is any theft of property where the value of the property is greater than $1,000. However, that value of the property allegedly stolen must not be greater than $3,000.

Grand Larceny in the Fourth Degree is an “E” felony. “E” felonies are the lowest level felonies in the New York Penal Law, but are still felonies. Crimes of this level or degree, including NY PL 155.30, carry no minimum sentence for a first time offender. This means jail, prison, probation, community service, a fine, restitution or a conditional discharge are all potential sentences. At the same time, a first time offender could be sentenced to up to one and one third to four years in prison. A predicate felon who is convicted of Grand Larceny in the Fourth Degree is not as lucky. He or she will face a minimum of one and a half to three years and a maximum of two to four years in state prison. Beyond potential prison, it is critical to discuss the collateral consequences of a felony conviction in terms of your career and immigration status with your criminal lawyer.

As noted in other sections of the NewYorkTheftAndLarcenyLawyers.Com website, it matters not they nature or type of property. Furthermore, whether the theft was a result of a trick or Embezzlement also makes no difference. Although Grand Larceny in the Fourth Degree often involves a variety of different types of property stolen through equally diverse means, a common charging of NY PL 155.30 is seen in felony shoplifting arrests. This occurs where an individual steals expensive clothing from Bloomingdales, Saks Fifth Avenue or other high end department stores.

To find extensive information regarding the laws and crimes of Grand Larceny in the Fourth Degree, please read through our website. Also, the NewYorkCriminalLawyerBlog.Com and NewYorkTheftAndLarcenyLawyersBlog.Com have a significant amount of material. Upon educating yourself on New York’s criminal and theft laws, contact Saland Law. Our New York criminal lawyers and former Manhattan prosecutors have the real world experience, knowledge and practical skills to do what is necessary to help move you past these allegations.

Contact the New York Criminal Defense Attorneys & Grand Larceny Lawyers Online or at 212.312.7129 Now.

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From the moment I contacted Jeremy Saland he inspired trust and confidence. His honesty and extensive knowledge about the court process made me feel like I was in good hands. He helped make a stressful and difficult experience more manageable and tolerable by clearly informing me on the legal steps...


I was arrested and charged with Grand Larceny. I was filmed on surveillance camera and the police was trying to find me for several days. Before surrounding to the police, I consulted Mr.Saland and hired him immediately, feeling that he would handle the case appropriately and with a positive...


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